Get the Facts: Legislative Updates
The morning of April 12th, public charter school leaders and a charter school parent testified before the Senate Education Committee during a hearing that focused on school choice and education reform.
Kristen Bishop, the CEO and Head of School of Avon Grove Charter School, and Jane Swan, the CEO of Reach Cyber Charter School, shared their schools’ roles in the K-12 public school landscape and the educational reforms needed to ensure public charters remain an option for thousands of PA students.
Nicole Lillich, whose three children attend CCA, shared her experience in accessing a public charter school as a single mother who felt that her local school district was failing to meet her children’s needs.
For more information:
Download the written testimony of Mrs. Bishop, CEO of Avon Grove Charter School
Download the written testimony of Jane Swan, CEO of Reach Cyber Charter School
PA Senate GOP Senator Scott Martin 143K Rising
Get the Facts: Legislative Update Sources
Current Charter School Legislation News
Avon Grove Charter School is a member of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools, and organization that represents both brick-and-mortar and cyber Charter schools throughout the Keystone State. We advocate for the rights of Charter operators, educators, parents, and students.
Visit the Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools website for the latest updates on current legislation as well as Charter School news.
Charter Schools-Separating Fact from Fiction - Keystone Alliance for Public Charter Schools
Pennsylvania Legislative Updates
Visit Chester County Intermediate Unit's Legislative Updates webpage to find out what's happening in Harrisburg.
Visit the PA Generl Assembly Website for information about upcoming votes and the PA State General Assembly.
Legislative Districts
Legislative redistricting is an often-discussed subject. After the 2020 census, redistricting occurred for the 2022 election. This redistricting will apply to elected Senators and Representatives, effective January 2023.
The PA Fair Districts website is an outstanding resource to learn about redistricting, issues and objections, gerrymandering, and why many citizens feel we need reform.
These are the Chester County district maps after redistricting: