Charter Schools and Legislation
Legislator Contact Information
Find Your Legislator
Not sure who to contact? Visit the PA Find Your Legislator webpage to search for the legislators in your area. Call, write, and email to let them know how much this will impact the school community!
Write or Call Your Legislator
Write or call your Legislators and let them know why Charter Schools are important to you and your children!
Contact Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
Chester County Representatives
Congressional Districts
District 13 - Rep. John Lawrence (R) 610-869-1602
District 158 - Rep. Christina Sappey (D) 484-200-8264
District 156 - Rep. Chris Pielli (D) 717-705-2075
District 74 - Rep. Dan Williams (D) 484-200-8256
District 167 - Rep. Kristine Howard (D) 610-251-1070
District 155 - Rep. Danielle Friel Otten (D) 484-200-8259
District 26 - Rep. Paul Friel (D) 717-772-1411
District 160 - Rep. Craig Williams (R) 610-358-5925
District 157 - Rep. Melissa Shusterman (D) 484-200-8272
Senate Districts
District 19 - Sen. Carolyn T. Comitta (D) 717-787-5709
District 9 - Sen John I. Kane (D) 717-787-4712
District 44 - Sen. Katie Muth (D) 717-787-1398