Flexible Instructional Day (FID)
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) approved the use of Flexible Instruction Days (FID) as an alternate form of instruction in place of a day otherwise canceled due to inclement weather or a building emergency. The PDE will count this as a full day of school. The school has been approved to use up to a maximum of five FIDs each school year. On a FID, students will complete learning assignments provided by the teacher at home on the day that otherwise would have been canceled and made up at the end of the school year.
This page was last updated on Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Content Accordion
- How will families be notified that the school is using a Flexible Instructional Day?
- How is student attendance taken during a FID day?
- How do I complete the Flexible Instructional Day Student Attendance Form” in ParentPortal?
- What is the typical student experience on Flexible Instructional Day (FID)?
- Kindergarten students don't typically take their iPads to and from school with them. Will they have access to their device on a FID Day?
- What if my child needs assistance or has a question about an assignment during an emergency virtual day?
- Does a FID count in the student's letter cycle of days? How will K-8 Specials operate?
- What if my family has an individual circumstance that prevents my child from being able to complete schoolwork or participate during a FID?
- What happens if a student fails to complete his/her assignment?
- What if there are widespread power outages during an FID and my child cannot access their work for the day?
- Do Flexible Instructional Days need to be made up at the end of the school year like traditional emergency closing days?
- My student has an IEP/504, will his/her lesson be modified appropriately?