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MtSS - Multi-tiered System of Support

PA-MTSS model of equitable access for all students



AGCS' Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a comprehensive system of academic and behavioral supports for students. Elements of the model include a rigorous, standards-aligned curriculum, high quality core instruction, universal screening tools, data-based decision making, family engagement, and tiered services and supports based on individual student needs.

RtII - Response to Instruction and Intervention

3 tiers 1 core classroom instruction 2 targeted small groups 3 intensive individual intervention

Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) is a multi-tiered system used to address the needs of all learners. The purpose is to improve student achievement and behavior, enhance teacher instruction, and reduce the number of special education referrals.

The RtII Process at AGCS

Three times a year benchmark assessments are administered (fall, winter, and spring) by classroom teachers/interventionists in both reading and math.  Each grade level participates in at least two benchmark assessments in math and reading.  The team, comprised of administrators, principals and teachers, correlate student scores in each content area to a point system.  Students' overall points then determine a tiered level of support.

The team reviews data and creates a plan of action which may include starting an intervention. Intervention blocks of time are scheduled so that students do not miss their core instruction (ELA and Math).  If the student begins an intervention, then he or she is progress monitored (quick assessment) weekly. The teacher can then use this information to assist students with developing needed skills in reading fluency, reading comprehension, math concepts, or math computation.

The RtII team meets on a regular basis, based on our assessment calendar, to review student data and placements. 

First page of the PDF file: SupportingAllLearnersAcademicInterventionsPARENTINFO