Academic Achievement and State Assessments
As a K-12 public charter school, Avon Grove Charter School is held to the same accountability standards as all other public schools across the Commonwealth. Students at Avon Grove Charter School participate in all of the same state-wide assessments as their traditional public school counterparts.
As a school of choice, AGCS works to provide students with a rigorous, standards-aligned curriculum to provide a sound educational foundation while promoting creativity, ingenuity, and flexibility within our classrooms.
The Future Ready PA Index is a comprehensive progress report that provides parents and community members with easy-to-understand information about Pennsylvania schools and student success. Launched in November of 2018, this tool features a dashboard approach to present data and information. The Future Ready PA Index (FRPA) illustrates student and school success via three color-coded categories: academic performance, student progress, and college and career readiness, providing the public with a more comprehensive look at how Pennsylvania's schools are educating students. Visit the AGCS FRPA Report for information on Avon Grove Charter School.
The Future Ready PA Index was created to comply with the U.S. Department of Education requirements under the Every Student Succeds Act of 2015. The Federal government requires that each state track data and hold schools and Local Education Agencies accountable for the performance of the following student groups: economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, English learners, and students from major racial and ethnic groups.
For information prior to 2018, visit the Pennsylvania School Performance Profile (under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002) website to download archived data.
Progress Monitoring and Benchmarks
Benchmark assessments through Acadience are given to students in grades K-6 three times per year in reading and math. These benchmark assessments determine if students are on target at their particular grade level. This data is used to provide appropriate interventions for students in their specific skill deficits.The progress monitoring component of each measure helps to keep track of monitoring student growth towards grade level proficiency.
Exact Path
This online diagnostic assessment is administered to students three times a year. The percentile rankings are comparative to spring so there is expected to be growth from fall to winter to spring. The math diagnostic is used for students in kindergarten through Algebra I while the reading diagnostic is used for students in kindergarten through tenth grade. Exact Path also provides individualized learning pathways for students to work through which are aligned to state standards.
SpringMath Screeners
SpringMath screeners are administered to students three times a year. These screeners determine growth within the intervention program over the course of the year.
The Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency (TOSWRF-2)
TOSWRF-2 is our universal screener for students in grades 7-8. This assessment is given three times per year in reading. As silent reading is more dominant in the higher grades, this assessment allows for an insight on deficits within word level reading difficulties. Students struggling at this level will be given Acadience benchmark assessments to determine progress monitoring needs.