Special Education
Special Education Evaluation Process
The Avon Grove Charter School is committed to ensuring a passion for life-long learning one student at a time regardless of disability. We are committed to an inclusion model with supports and services provided within the context of the regular education classroom to the maximum extent possible.
Any student suspected of having a disability is provided a thorough psycho-educational evaluation by a Certified School Psychologist to determine if the student qualifies as having a disability. The Psychologist then meets with our team to assess if the disability is impacting the student's learning. Disability categories recognized in the school setting are defined in the 13 Disability Categories Under the IDEA. If you suspect that your child is in need of special education support and services, first download this document and review the disability categories listed as well as the information provided on developmentally appropriate skills. After reading this documentation, if you would like to discuss an evaluation for your child, please contact Alex Bove at above@agcharter.org.
Notice of Special Education Services - English
Notice of Special Education Services - Spanish
For students who are found eligible as needing special education support and services, we will gather an IEP team to develop an individualized plan to meet the student’s unique needs. This team includes both school representatives, families and the student (if 14 and older). A special education teacher is then designated to monitor student’s progress on individual goals within the IEP and provide interventions, as necessary, to meet the student’s needs. Ancillary services such as Speech, Occupational Therapy, and/or Physical Therapy may also be provided as an outcome of the evaluation conducted.