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Office of the Head of School

Kristen Bishop

Kristen Bishop

Chief Executive Officer, Head of School
Christina O'Connor

Christina O'Connor

Admin Assistant to the Head of School, Special Projects Coordinator

Welcome to Avon Grove Charter School, where we inspire passion for lifelong learning one student at a time.

We are an accepting community that unlocks every student’s ability to discover and reach their full potential.  Our school is the intimate neighborhood school, small enough for educators to really get to know, support and academically challenge each student. Our parents and staff partner together to guide student success. We are excellence through ingenuity. Our academic program is very rigorous where discovery learning and critical thinking is the focus. 

I invite you to explore our website, talk to families, visit our school community, and experience for yourself what makes Avon Grove Charter School the right choice for your child’s education.

Mrs. Kristen Bishop
Head of School, CEO