Human Resources
The Human Resources Department is part of the Administration Team and our responsibility is to design, develop, and implement an all-inclusive human resources program to serve the staff of Avon Grove Charter School coupled with attracting, rewarding, and retaining high quality faculty and staff. HR prides itself by offering exceptional service to prospective and existing employees. It is our mission to ensure there are qualified and professional teachers and staff educating and influencing our students every day of their school career.
This office handles all aspects of human resources which consist of Recruitment, Training, Employee Relations, Compensation, Benefits, and Equal Opportunity. We also provide clarity and interpretation of all Employee Policies.

Natosha Bowers
Phone: 484-667-5000 Option 4
Fax: 484-667-4101
Please check this site frequently as it will be used as a communication resource for news, updates, policies/procedures, and general information relating to Human Resources.
The office of Human Resources encourages all visitors to this site to send comments and suggestions! Since this page is intended to serve YOU – employees and applicants as we appreciate your input. Tell us what you like…what you dislike… what you would like to see added or removed. This will help us to customize and improve these pages to better serve your needs.