Title I - Meeting Educational Needs
Title I
AGCS is has a Title I Schoolwide Designation. Title I is a Federally funded program that's purpose "is to ensure that all children have fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments." Through Title I, AGCS can offer our students:
• A variety of teaching methods and materials
• Targeted literacy interventions
• Extra time for instruction
• Additional teachers and interventionists
Please download our Title I Parent & Family Information Brochure and the AGCS Title I Parent Presentation for more information about this program.
Families and caregivers of students receiving Title I services are invited to join us for our Annual Fall Title I Meeting.
Since Avon Grove Charter School receives Federal Title 1 funds to assist students in meeting state achievement standards, parents have a right to request information about the qualifications of the classroom staff working with their child. Please download the school's annual Parental Notification of their Right To Know Requirements.
Other Title I Documents
AGCS Transportation Plan to Ensure Educational Stability
Schoolwide Title I Comprehensive Plan 2024-2027
Title I School-Parent-Student Compact
Parent Family Engagement
You are our partners in your child's education and we actively seek your input. AGCS programs, activities, and procedures are planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents and family members of participating children.
Parents serve as a key shareholder in the educational processes of the students attending Avon Grove Charter School. The Parent and Family Engagement Policy of Avon Grove Charter School ensures equitable participation in the planning, reviewing, and implementing of all parent programs and activities.
Our Parent and Family Engagement Policy was adopted in order to:
- Foster strong effective partnerships among parents, families, schools and the community that serve to improve academic quality and student performance;
- Provide the coordination, technical assistance and other support necessary to assist schools in planning and implementing effective family engagement activities to improve student academic achievement and performance; and
- Comply with Title 1, Part A requirements regarding the establishment of a parent and family engagement policy according to Section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).