Homeless Children and Youth
Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (ECYEH)
We are committed to our obligation to ensure that students experiencing homelessness have equal access to the same free, appropriate educational programs provided for all of our students. We will make reasonable efforts to promptly identify local homeless children, encourage their enrollment, and eliminate any barriers to their attendance and education, in compliance with Federal and State law and regulations.
The AGCS Board of Trustees may waive policies, procedures, and administrative regulations that create obstacles to enrollment, attendance, transportation, and success in school for our homeless students, based on the recommendation of our Head of Schools. The Board prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of homelessness, in accordance with applicable law.
AGCS Homeless LIaison: Jennifer Weaver jweaver@agcharter.org
Homeless Students
Children and youth are eligible for services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act if they have been displaced from their homes and are living in a nighttime residence that is not fixed, regular or adequate, such as:
- Sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reasons
- Having a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designated as regular sleeping accommodation, such as a:
- vehicle
- park
- campground
- public space
- abondoned building
- substandard housing
- transportation stations
- similar settings
- Living in emergency, transitional, or domestic violence shelters
- Living outside of his/her home as an unaccompanied youth
- Living or abandoned in a hospital
- In any of the situations listed above, as the child of a migrant family
Homeless Student Rights
As required by law, AGCS will make school placement determinations on the basis of the best interest of the student, based on student-centered factors. Children and Youth in Transition have the right to:
- Stay in their school of origin; which is the school attended when last permanently housed or the school in which the student was last enrolled.
- Enroll in any school which non-homeless students living in the attendance area are eligible to attend.
- Enroll in a new school without immunization, proof of residential status, school records, proof of guardianship or other documents.
- Receive services (including transportation, preschool, meals, special education) comparable to those provided to other students.
- Have their enrollment disputes expeditiously addressed by the homeless district liaison and have the right to attend their school during the dispute resolution process.
If you believe you are eligible, please contact Ms. Jen Weaver, our Homeless Student Liaison, at jweaver@agcharter.org to find out what services and supports may be available.
Wolfpack Pantry
Could you use a little help with food, school supplies, or personal care items? The Wolfpack Pantry is here to help! All you need to do is complete the Wolfpack Pantry Request Form. After you complete the form, we will be in contact with you to arrange the details of getting the pantry items to you.
ECYEH Definitions and Infomation
- Best Interest Determination
- Dispute Resolution Process
- Education Records
- Enrollment and Placement
- Homeless Liaison
- School of origin
- Services
- Transportation
- Unaccompanied youth