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Federal Programs

Federally Funded Programs, Policies & Procedures

US Capitol Building

The federal government provides nearly $79 billion annually on primary and secondary education programs. Much of the funding is discretionary, meaning it is set annually by Congress through the appropriations process. Funds flow mainly through the Department of Education although other federal agencies administer some funding for education related activities.

Federal education funding is distributed to states and school districts through a variety of formula and competitive grant programs. While the federal government contributes about 12 percent of direct funding for elementary and secondary schools nationally, the amount varies considerably from state to state.

AGCS Participates in the following Federally funded programs:

  • IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
  • Title I, Part A - Reading and Math
  • Title II - Teacher and Principal Training and Recruiting
  • Title III - English Language Learners
  • Title IV - Well-rounded Education
  • Title IX - Anti-Discrimination
  • ESSER - Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief
  • McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth